The Five TEAM-CBT Models For Successful Treatment of Anxiety
Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, it only empties today of its strengths.
- C.H. Spurgeon
Webinar objectives
Overview of the five models for anxiety treatment
Differentiate the purpose/role for each model in anxiety treatment
Selecting the methods for each model
Case example for each model
One method demo for each model
Descriptive handout/PDF
Date: March (Friday)
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Central Standard Time
Cost: $50 US live workshop. Click the REGISTER button.
CE hours: 2 hr provided to Canadian CPCA members who attended live.
Certification Units: 2 TEAM-CBT Certification Units when you attend live.
Recording (No CEUs or TEAM-CBT certification units for watching the recording).
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