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Mountain Peak

30 Week TEA(M)-CBT Curriculum

30 Week TEA(M)-CBT Curriculum
Friday TEA(M)-CBT Practice Group

Friday TEA(M)-CBT Practice Group offers in-depth exploration of the TEAM-CBT model. It is a 30 week curriculum spread out from September through June. The focus of the group is on  the T.E.A. (Testing, Empathy, Agenda setting/Assessment of resistance) phases of the TEAM-CBT model, specifically:

 - Testing/measurement - implementation and processing of the measurement instruments such as BMS and ETS. 

- Detailed exploration of empathy skills - The Five Secrets and the advanced empathy skills. 

- Agenda setting/addressing resistance skills. 


The group meets weekly on Friday via ZOOM for about an hour . Additional 30 minutes are optional for any further questions and support. 

Time is 9:00 am PST/10:00 am MST/11:00 am CST/12:00 pm EST.

Date: TBD


There is a requirement to commit to attending live at least once a month, fill in an after session survey, join a small break out group to practice a role play, and have the ebook, “Tools, NOT Schools”. In addition, Dr. David Burns Therapist’s Toolkit and /or the electronic tool package is highly encouraged.


Group format:

1. Training/Intro time

2. Demo

3. Role play

4. Group debrief and Q&A


30-Week TEA(M)-CBT Curriculum


Part 1 - TEAM-CBT TESTING - 4 weeks

1.1. Setting Up TEAM-CBT Testing and Measurement 

1.2. TEAM-CBT Testing and Measurement - BMS - Before Session Survey

1.3. TEAM-CBT Testing and Measurement - BMS - After Session Survey

1.4. TEAM-CBT Testing and Measurement - ETS -

Evaluation of Therapy Session Survey 


Part 2 - TEAM-CBT EMPATHY - 12 weeks

2.1. TEAM-CBT Empathy - Disarming Technique

2.2. TEAM-CBT Empathy - Thought Empathy

2.3. TEAM-CBT Empathy - Feeling Empathy

2.4. TEAM-CBT Empathy - Inquiry

2.5. TEAM-CBT Empathy - Stroking/Respect

2.6. TEAM-CBT Empathy - I-feel/Assertiveness

2.7. TEAM-CBT Empathy - Overview and Empathy Skills Drills

2.8. TEAM-CBT Empathy - Self-Disclosure

2.9. TEAM-CBT Empathy - Multiple Choice Empathy

2.10. TEAM-CBT Empathy - Interpersonal Positive Reframing

2.11. TEAM-CBT Empathy - Changing The Focus 

2.12. TEAM-CBT Empathy - Humour


Part 3 - TEAM-CBT Agenda Setting/Addressing Resistance and Boosting Motivation - 10 weeks 

3.1. TEAM-CBT Agenda Setting/Addressing Resistance - Invitation

3.2. TEAM-CBT Agenda Setting/Addressing Resistance - Specificity

3.3. TEAM-CBT Agenda Setting/Addressing Resistance - Conceptualization

3.4. TEAM-CBT Agenda Setting/Addressing Resistance - Motivation - Outcome resistance  - Miracle Cure

3.5. TEAM-CBT Agenda Setting/Addressing Resistance - Motivation - Outcome resistance  - Magic Button

3.6. TEAM-CBT Agenda Setting/Addressing Resistance - Motivation - Outcome resistance  - Positive Reframing

3.7. TEAM-CBT Agenda Setting/Addressing Resistance - Motivation - Outcome resistance  - Pivot Question

3.8. TEAM-CBT Agenda Setting/Addressing Resistance - Motivation - Outcome resistance  - Magic Dial

3.9. TEAM-CBT Agenda Setting/Addressing Resistance - Motivation - Process resistance  - Dangling the Carrot, Gentle Ultimatum

3.10. TEAM-CBT Agenda Setting/Addressing Resistance - Motivation - Process resistance  - Paradoxical Inquiry, Fallback Position, Sitting with Open Hands


Part 4 - TEAM-CBT Extras - 4 weeks

4.1. TEAM-CBT Extras - DML

4.2. TEAM-CBT Extras - Recovery Circle

4.3. TEAM-CBT Extras - Generating Recovery Circle/Treatment Plan for Anxiety

4.4. TEAM-CBT Extras - Method Blueprint


Additional Extras:

- Up to 3 additional treatment plan sessions from the variety of the following problems: insomnia, depression, anger, overeating, procrastination, relationship.

- Handouts, video recordings, and real committed people to practice with.


To register for the practice group, please click the link below.


For any questions please reach out to my personal email.


Looking forward to connecting and sharing passion for TEAM with you!


The difference between ORDINARY and EXTRAORDINARY is practice.
- From "The Making of An Expert"


Mountain Peak


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